The Princess Bride Filming Locations: COMPLETE List + Map!

The Princess Bride (1987)

Oh, are you here to discover all of The Princess Bride filming locations? As you wish. It’s not an inconceivable request because I know where they are, dotted around the Midlands in England and one special Ireland location.

Rob Reiner’s The Princess Bride (1987) is a family-friendly, fantasy adventure film. Stable boy-turned-pirate Westley (Cary Elwes) must save his one true love Princess Buttercup (Robin Wright) from the evil Prince Humperdinck. Vengeful Spanish fencer Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin) and several other charming characters aid him on his quest.

Many consider it one of the best movies of the 1980s, and for good reason. Classic but never cliché and the film utilises real locations (and Shepperton Studios) as opposed to piling on the CGI. And it’s definitely not another one of those kissing movies! So, let’s find out where all The Princess Bride film locations are in England and Ireland.

Where Was The Princess Bride Filmed?

The Princess Bride Filming Locations in England

1. Bradley Rocks Farm, Birchover, Derbyshire

Grandfather’s story begins on a farm in the fictional, faraway land of Florin. There, a beautiful and fair young woman named Buttercup falls in love with her farmhand, Westley. This farm is a derelict building in which the production crew dressed with truck-loads of straw and chopped logs. It used to be called Bradley Rocks Farm in Birchover, Derbyshire. I’ve located the exact spot near the B5056 road and pinned it on the google map at the top of this post.

2. Haddon Hall, Bakewell, Derbyshire

Five years after Westley is supposedly murdered by the Dread Pirate Roberts, Prince Humperdinck gathers the townsfolk of Florin city into the main square to announce his engagement to Buttercup. The square is the Lower Courtyard of Haddon Hall in Bakewell, Derbyshire. Actually, Haddon Hall is the main The Princess Bride filming location for the Kingdom of Florin’s Castle.

The Banqueting Hall in Haddon Hall is the Prince’s private chamber. You might also recognise Haddon Hall from Mary Queen of Scots (2018) where it stands in for Queen Elizabeth I’s private rooms.

Read next: Mary Queen of Scots Filming Locations in Scotland & England

Haddon Hall in Derbyshire, England The Princess Bride Filming Location
Haddon Hall | Courtesy of Billy Wilson

3. Black Park Lake, Black Park Country Park, Buckinghamshire

Oh her daily ride, Buttercup is captured by Vizzini, Fezzik and Inigo Montoya posing as “poor, lost circus performers.” They load her onto a small pirate ship and set sail across the sea. The “sea”, and the forest where Buttercup rides, is in Black Park Country Park and the Black Park Lake in Buckinghamshire.

It’s an extremely popular filming location because of it’s proximity to studios. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968), Stardust (2007), and the Harry Potter film series have all shot here.

Read next: Stardust Filming Locations in Scotland & England

Black Park Country Park in Buckinghamshire, England
Black Park Lake | Courtesy of Maxwell Hamilton

4. Robin Hood’s Stride, Bakewell, Derbyshire

After temporarily disarming Inigo, Dread Pirate Roberts runs off searching for Buttercup. Instead, he comes up against Fezzik and his strong, rock-wielding arm. The pirate fights off Fezzik in an area of the Derbyshire countryside called Robin’s Hood Stride in Bakewell.

Robin Hood's Stride in Derbyshire, England The Princess Bride Filming Location
Robin Hood’s Stride | Courtesy of Delaina Haslam

5. Lathkill Dale, Over Haddon, Derbyshire

Dread Pirate Robert’s third and final outlaw to beat is Vizzini in a Battle of Wits. This scene is situated in another one of The Princess Bride shooting locations in Derbyshire. This time, it’s in the Lathkill Dale which is a part of the beautiful Peak District National Park.

Lathkill Dale in Derbyshire, England The Princess Bride Filming Location
Lathkill Dale | Courtesy of Simon Harrod

6. Carl Walk, Hope Valley, Yorkshire

After besting the three outlaws, Dread Pirate Roberts grabs Buttercup and runs off with her. He allows her to rest on some flat stones which are located in Carl Walk in the Hope Valley, Yorkshire.

Carl Walk in Hope Valley, Yorkshire in England The Princess Bride Filming Location
Carl Walk | Courtesy of Chris Morriss

7. Cave Dale, Hope Valley, Derbyshire

After getting in a tiff, Buttercup pushes Dread Pirate Roberts down a hill just as she learns that this afeared swordfighter is actually her one true love, the farm boy Westley.  This The Princess Bride filming location is a hill called Cave Dale in the Hope Valley, Derbyshire. I would strongly recommend you not throw yourself down this steep hill because you will die.

Nope, it’s not far from Carl Walk but it’s in a completely different county. Cave Dale is also very near Blue John Cavern which is one of the filming locations in Sightseers (2012). There are tonnes of Derbyshire locations in that film!

Read next: Sightseers Filming Locations in England

Cave Dale in Hope Valley, Derbyshire in England The Princess Bride Filming Location
Cave Dale | Courtesy of worldoflard

8. Burnham Beeches, Slough, Buckinghamshire

You’ll understand that there is no The Princess Bride location for the Fire Swamp, right? It’s a studio-set scene, and the Unusually Large Rodents are puppets. The next filming location is Burnham Beeches in Slough, Buckinghamshire where Prince Humperdinck and his pals finally catch up with Westley and Buttercup and march them back to Florin.

Burnham Beeches is also an extremely popular filming location because it’s close to all the London studios. Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) also shot scenes there.

Burnham Beeches in Buckinghamshire, England
Burnham Beeches | Courtesy of Philip Bragg

9. Penshurst Place, Penshurst, Kent

The final The Princess Bride filming location in England is Penhurst Place in Kent. It’s a Tudor-era stately home that used to belong to Henry VIII. Penhurst Place‘s Baron Hall stands in for another part of Florin Castle, specifically the iconic scene where Inigo Montoya duels Count Rugen to avenge his father. Say it with me now…

My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. PREPARE TO DIE!

Penshurst Place in Kent, England The Princess Bride Filming Location
Penshurst Place | Courtesy of Derek Winterburn

The Princess Bride Filming Locations in Ireland

10. Cliffs of Moher, County Clare

The Cliffs of Insanity are one of the most famous locations in movie history, not just one of the best The Princess Bride locations. When Vizzini, Fezzik and Inigo reach the Cliffs of Insanity with the kidnapped Buttercup early in the movie, Dread Pirate Roberts is hot on their tail.

In reality, this location from The Princess Bride is the Cliffs of Moher in County Clare, Ireland. The cliffs stretch for 14km along the rugged coastline and are a popular tourist landmark. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) also shot scenes here.

Cliffs of Moher in County Clare, Ireland The Princess Bride Filming Location
Cliffs of Moher | Courtesy of Shawn Harquail

And those are all the top The Princess Bride filming locations in England and Ireland! Have you watched the movie or visited any of The Princess Bride shooting locations? Let me know in the comments below!

Read next: Leap Year Filming Locations in Ireland

The Princess Bride Filming Locations in England & Ireland |
© 1987 20th Century Studios | Courtesy of Shawn Harquail

4 thoughts on “The Princess Bride Filming Locations: COMPLETE List + Map!

  1. Lizzie says:

    Hi, I’m a fellow ginger and a lover of the Princess Bride. We visited Castleton yesterday and I got to be Princess Buttercup for a moment in Cave Dale. It was brilliant. Your page is a very interesting read, I enjoyed it very much, thank you.

    • Rebecca says:

      Ahhh that’s amazing, I’m so glad you enjoyed visiting the locations and thank you for the kind words! Cave Dale was really cool!

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