
Sex and the City Paris Locations: All 13 Listed + Map!

Sex and the City in Paris (2004)

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I cannot tell you how many times I have binged the Sex and the City boxset. Four, maybe five times? Though it is a problematic show, some of the ideas and issues were (thanks to Samantha) very progressive. And finishing the series with two final episodes in Paris is c’est magnifique. The Sex and the City Paris locations are dreamy, gorgeous and… would likely bankrupt me.

Let’s bring you up to speed on the TV sensation if you are not familiar. Sex and the City (1998-2004) centres on the lives and relationships of a group of thirty-something single friends in New York City: Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker), Samantha Jones (Kim Catrall), Charlotte York (Kristin Davis) and Miranda Hobbs (Cynthia Nixon).

It spawned the sequels Sex and the City: The Movie (2008) and Sex and the City 2 (2010).

In the final two episodes, Carrie moves to Paris to be with her older Russian artist lover Aleksandr Petrovsky. The Sex and the City Paris episodes are S06 E19 An American in Paris (Part Une) and S06 S20 An American in Paris (Part Deux).

Ultimately, the episodes are a “will-they-won’t-they” between Carrie in Paris and her on-again-off-again lover, the elusive financier Mr Big (Chris Noth) back in New York City.

So, I have a list (and a map) of all the Sex and the City Paris locations so you can recreate your own Carrie-esque escape! It makes the perfect Parisian walking tour.

Where Was Sex and the City Filmed in Paris?

Sex and the City Paris Locations: An American in Paris (Part Une)

1. Hôtel Plaza Athénée, 25 Avenue Montaigne (8th arrondissement)

Carrie arrives in Paris, the city of lights! And what an arrival it is. Her car pulls up in front of Hôtel Plaza Athénée, the Sex and the City Paris hotel. It is located at 25 Avenue Montaigne in the 8th arrondissement. This is where she and Aleksandr AKA the selfish, snobby arse stay while they are in Paris.

It is a 5-star luxury hotel and a Paris landmark. It really does have flowers lining the balconies and a cracking view of the Eiffel Tower. And if you have ludicrous amounts of wealth or fancy taking out a sizeable bank loan, you can stay here too! (Seriously, rooms start from £1,000 per night).

Carrie steps out of her car looking like a monochromatic lollypop and meets Alek and his daughter Chloé in one of the hotel’s restaurants named Salon Organza.

Hôtel Plaza Athénée, 25 Avenue Montaigne in Paris, France Sex and the City Filming Location
Hôtel Plaza Athénée | Courtesy of Mustang Joe

2. DIOR, 30 Avenue Montaigne (8th arrondissement)

The next day, Carrie braves the rain to pray at her place of worship in Paris: Dior. Specifically, the DIOR store at 30 Avenue Montaigne in the 8th arrondissement.

This is the pivotal scene where Carrie slips on the wet floor, sending the contents of her purse (and herself) flying across the room. She did not come to Paris to squat and scoop in Dior, you know!

DIOR, 30 Avenue Montaigne in Paris, France
Dior | Courtesy of Stephen Carlile

3. Restaurant L’Avenue, 41 Avenue Montaigne (8th arrondissement)

Feeling deflated, Carrie heads out in a much more subdued outfit. You have no spare energy for frills when you are feeling depressed! She gazes wistfully through a restaurant’s front window at four friends laughing and having the best time.

This restaurant is L’Avenue on 41 Avenue Montaigne in the 8th arrondissement. It is a quintessential French restaurant that will set you back a house deposit if you dine here.

4. Fontaine Saint-Sulpice, 76 Rue Bonaparte (6th arrondissement)

Carrie is compelled to call her bestie Miranda back in NYC to vent her frustrations. She stops at a payphone (so retro) by a fountain. This Sex and the City Paris location is Fontaine Saint-Sulpice on Rue Bonaparte in the 6th arrondissement.

I really love this scene because people need to realise how lonely it can be to move abroad. Sure, it is easier when you are moving with a partner who actually cares about you. But when you do not speak the language, everything is different and you don’t have any friends for support, it’s tough. Not a lot of films and TV shows display the good with the bad.

Fontaine Saint-Sulpice, 76 Rue Bonaparte in Paris, France Sex and the City Filming Location
Fontaine Saint-Sulpice | Courtesy of Jean-Marie Hullot

Sex and the City Paris Locations: An American in Paris (Part Deux)

5. Kong, 1 Rue du Pont Neuf (1st arrondissement)

So, Mr Big told the girls he loves Carrie and wants to win her back! Meanwhile, it’s been two weeks since Carrie arrived in Paris and she is having lunch with Alek’s ex-wife, Juliette.

The Sex and the City Paris restaurant where they are dining is Kong, an Asian fusion restaurant at 1 Rue du Pont Neuf in the 1st arrondissement with panoramic views of the Seine river. TripAdvisor is displaying the ‘££££’ symbol to communicate how expensive this restaurant is, so if you want to eat there, expect it to cost multiple £.

Kong, 1 Rue du Pont Neuf in Paris, France Sex and the City Filming Location
Kong | Courtesy of Lens Adventurer

6. Cador Pâtissier, 3 Place du Louvre (1st arrondissement)

After Alek abandons Carrie to tend to an art emergency before the opening of his new exhibition, she heads into a patisserie to consume her feelings. It is Cador Pâtissier at 3 Place du Louvre (corner of Quai du Louvre and Rue de l’Amiral de Coligny) in the 1st arrondissement. 

Sadly, the patisserie is no longer there, neither are the ornate room separators or heavy wood furniture. It is now Cojean Louvre, an upmarket fast food joint. Now, this is a Sex and the City Paris location where you can afford to dine!

Yes, this is the place where Carrie is dressed like a ladybug, smoking and sitting next to a bull mastiff salivating at her plates of half-eaten French pastries.

7. Rue Servandoni (6th arrondissement)

Carrie leaves the patisserie and walks down Rue Servandoni where a child hits her on the head. She is so aghast that she loses concentration and accidentally steps in a Parisian pavement present… Dog sh*t.

Read next: Amélie Filming Locations in Paris, France

8. Allée du Séminaire Fountain (6th arrondissement)

Next, Carrie washes the offending substance off her pristine white heels in a water fountain on Allée du Séminaire. This is a tree-lined path that runs directly alongside Rue Bonaparte, a few streets over from Allée du Séminaire.

The fountain is located at the Rue Honoré Chevalier turnoff, though the bronze lion head may not still be there.

9. Square du Vert-Galant, 15 Place du Pont Neuf (1st arrondissement)

Yet again, Carrie eats her feels while sat on a bench in a small park, Square du Vert-Galant next to Pont Neuf. It was difficult to find this location as the bench and waste bins are no longer there.

However, the fact that Carrie waves to a guy on a boat in front of her, but the Seine is also behind her, means she is on an island in the Seine. Plus, the wrought iron fencing is exactly the same, and the Louvre and Pont des Arts are visible in the background.

Square du Vert-Galant in Paris, France
Edge of Square du Vert-Galant

10. Village Voice Bookshop, 6 Rue Princesse (6th arrondissement)

On another day, Carrie spots the French version of her book in the front window of a bookstore. The bookstore’s exterior is located in one of the stores on the corner of Rue Palatine and Rue Henry de Jouvenel. You can see Église St Sulpice Church and Fontaine Saint-Sulpice in the background, I just cannot work out what shop front it is.

The interior is the old Village Voice bookshop at 6 Rue Princesse in the 6th arrondissement. It was a staple bookshop for anglophone ex-pats in Paris but sadly it is no longer there. It’s now a computer shop!

11. Place Dauphine (1st arrondissement)

Carrie is on cloud nine after meeting her new French pals in the bookstore. She tells Alek all about the party they are throwing her as they stroll down Place Dauphine. You can see Restaurant Le Caveau du Palais in the background, which is still there.

The party is apparently at La Petite Auberge (a real restaurant, with several locations around Paris) on Rue Saint-André des Arts (a real street). But I cannot find that restaurant on that street in real life.

Place Dauphine in Paris, France
Place Dauphine | Courtesy of Carl Campbell

12. Jeu de Paume, 1 Place de la Concorde (8th arrondissement)

The selfish prick, Petrovsky, asks Carrie to not go to her dinner party because he is feeling nervous about unveiling his art exhibition to the museum curator that evening.

My question is – he gets APPLAUSE the moment he walks in. So, why didn’t he say to Carrie, “Hey sweetie, it looks like everything is going okay here so why don’t you go to that dinner and make new friends? I know you have been feeling lonely since you arrived in Paris.”

Urgh. The WORST. Anyway, Aleksandr’s exhibition is showing in Jeu de Paume, a modern art gallery.

Jeu de Paume, 1 Place de la Concorde in Paris, France Sex and the City Filming Location
Jeu de Paume | Courtesy of Corinne Moncelli

13. Pont des Arts (6th arrondissement)

Ah, everyone’s favourite (and mine!) out of all of the Paris Sex and the City locations, Pont des Arts. Carrie breaks up with Alek after the art gallery sh*tshow and clocks Mr Big walking in her hotel lobby while trying to salvage her broken necklace.

They make up, literally start rolling on the floor laughing and take a romantic stroll down the Pont des Arts, also known as Paris’s love lock bridge. Big finally says the words that Carrie has been waiting to hear since the final episode in season one.

Carrie, you’re the one. – Mr Big

Pont des Arts in Paris, France Sex and the City Filming Location
Pont des Arts

And those are all the top Sex and the City Paris locations from the final episodes of season six! Have you watched Sex and the City or visited Paris? Let me know in the comments below!

Read next: 24 Hour Party People Filming Locations in Manchester, UK

Sex and the City Filming Locations in Paris | almostginger.com
© 2004 HBO

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  1. Thank You! Now home from a Paris trip and were looking for information about Carrie in Paris.

    /Malin, Sweden